South Carolina Voters

A few weeks ago I made my way back to South Carolina to talk to voters, specifically African American voters, about the upcoming presidential primaries for The Wall Street Journal. Seeing as South Carolina is the first in the South to hold primaries, and 60 percent of the state’s registered Democrats are black, presidential candidates pay particular attention to voters there.

It seemed though that the candidates’ efforts haven’t really been paying off — most people we talked to weren’t really following the election thus far and had a dim view on politics in general, citing the large number of candidates running and political burnout as their reasoning.

Rev. Demett Jenkins, below, was one of the skeptics. She’s paying attention to what candidates have to say about affordable housing, immigration, and healthcare, but says its hard to weed through all the talk and figure out the candidates’ plan of action.

“I don’t want the dream speeches, the big concept ideas,” she says. “I want to hear what is the plan.”









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